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Barry Biggins 57-61

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Mike Keen - 1998

Mike Keen has sent in these photos from late 1950's Corsham.

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Ministry group [1957-61]
Corsham Court grounds
(looking towards the Ha-ha), Summer 1960.
L to R (back):- Dave Barker, Shelagh Parfitt
[Brettell] being carried by Mike Keen.
(front):- Barry Biggins sitting on
Rosemary Brandfoot
and a languidly reclining Bill Jones.

Weekend trip to London 1958
Mike Keen, Bill Jones and Barry Biggins
outside the old Euston Station on 22nd Feb 1958.
We had hitch-hiked to London along the old A4
(no M4 in those days).
Dufflecoats, mightily 'quiffed' hairstyles and
the old white, maroon and black college scarves
then 'de rigeur' for the late 1950's student.
(I still have my old, slightly moth-eaten,
college scarf).

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Same venue, same afternoon
L to R:- Shelagh Parfitt, Bill Jones,
Barry Biggins
(being upended),
Dave Barker
's back, Mike Keen.
Just youthful horse-play without aid of
scrumpy (rough cider) sold in the Duke of
Cumberland at 10d (yes, the old coinage) a pint.

Summer 1959 at the Court swimming pool
Foreground:- Glenda Pearson, Judy Paren
Background:- unidentified, Angela Redman?
partially obscured, Hazel Archer
(alas Hazel died in 1996).


The Music Group, Spring 1958
In the sculpture courtyard, the Court gateway in the background.
L to R:- Back row: Dave Andrews, Phil Brookman, Bill Jones, Christine Inman, Hazel Archer (?), Sheila Beskin, Roma Grundy, Charles Prosser, George Bruce, Christine Manning, Melvyn Turner,
John Hoskin
(sculpture tutor).
Middle three (kneeling): Margaret King, Jenny Cooke, Marjorie Darnley.
Front row (sitting): Angela Redman, Celia Denis, Penny Bradshaw, Meg Mapstone, Angela Brown.

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Trendy 1960
Ann le Rendu

Some couples met at college
Meg Mapstone
& Vic Shreeve

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Design Day at Beechfield
First Year students - 1959
L to R:- 3 unknowns, Debbie Wells,
Andrea Demetrios, Sue Clegg
Can you help to name the unknowns?

Monks Park, Summer 1958
L to R:- (outside) Mary Mico, Judy Paren
L to R:- (in window) Diana Cooper,
Margaret King, Jenny Cook.

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Unknown Photographer - 1957
L to R:- David Andrews, unknown?, Dorothy Elliott, Judy Paren,
Jenny Cook.

Sitting on the lawn behind the Court
with buttercups and daises in abundance
Rosie Brandfoot
and Jill Patterson
photo by Barry Biggins
summer 58/59?

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"The Pied Piper of Hamelin"
1st year production organised by
Riette Sturge Moore.
L to R:- Judy Brandram,
John Donovan, Wendy Gilbert.

Tennis Courts, Monks Park - Summer 1960(?)
I can identify:- Mike Cuzner, Bobby Mills, Tina & Tony Hoyle,
Dave Andrews
, Phil Brookman, Bruce Clark,
Ian Logan
and Dave Whincop.
If anyone recognizes themselves, I would very much like to know
who they are ~ what was the occasion?

more photos for this page added 23rd July 2006
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Beechfield Summer 1958
photo provided by Mark & Rene Cornelius
Mark Cornelius
, Vic Shreeve
Beechfield in snow Jan/Feb 1958
photo provided by Mark & Rene Cornelius
Rose Mingay
, Irene Holley, Mark Cornelius
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Beechfield Summer 1958
photo provided by Mark & Rene Cornelius
l-r: Dave Barker, Vic Shreeve,
Wyn Griffiths
, Mark Cornelius
Boreham Wood 1962/63?
photo provided by Mark & Rene Cornelius
Andy Burton [Mrs Chris Brighton] and her son
BAA Drama Society Production of J.Synge's Playboy of the Western World
Staged at Monks Park on 6th July 1958. Act III: Fight Scene
l-r Tony Hoyle, Vic Shreeve, Ann [Hart], Anita Hughes, Howard Pickersgill, Jim Hart [crouching],
unknown?, Diana Cooper, Michael Keen [above], Ray Noyce, Pete Sargeant.
[The accents were more Oirish than Irish!]
The production was directed and organised by Bob Clements,
who also staged a performance of Thornton Wilder's Our Town a year later.
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Playboy of the Western World
photo provided by Roma Grundy
Act I where Sean Keogh tries to escape.
l-r: Bob Clements, Tony Hoyle, Jim Hart,
Michael Keen, Jenny Cooke
Monks Park summer 1958/59?
photo provided by Roma Grundy
Marjorie Darnley, Chris Inman, Roma Grundy
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Jiving in the Cellar at Monks Park  1958?
Jeanette House, Angela Redman, Dave Barker
Corsham 1957/58?
Judy Paren, Jenny Cooke
Group A 1957 intake, plus two 4th year Ministry students
outside Sculpture Studio early summer 1958 -
photo supplied by Angela Hoppe
l-r: (standing): Christine Inman, Mervyn Turner, Phil Brookman, Charles Prosser,
Margaret Mapstone
, Christine Manning, George Bruce, Margaret King, Ministry student (name?)
l-r: (kneeling): Hazel Archer, Bill Jones, Roma Grundy, David Andrews, Penny Bradshaw,
Celia Dennis
, Marjorie Darnley, Angela Bruce, Angela Redman, Jenny Cooke,
John Hoskins
[tutor], 4th year student (name?)
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Court Swimming Pool summer 58/59?
Angela Redman, Hazel Archer
Mike Keen 1958
Church spire just visible.

Top of the page
by Roger Shapley 59-63
BAA Reunion 1998