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Bruce Clark 58-60

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Judy (Brandram) Brown was a pottery student at Corsham from 1957 to 1960 and has given us some more glimpses into the way it was back then. Photos include four taken around Beechfield, three from the pottery in the stable block and the others from a study trip to the Pitt-Rivers Museum in Blandford Forum.

click on the photos for a larger version

click on the photos for a larger version click on the photos for a larger version
Pottery Yard
As it always was!
3rd year potters in the pottery yard - 1959
Sue MacKenzie; Ann Faithful;
Julia Vezza; Mary Mico.
click on the photos for a larger version click on the photos for a larger version
2nd year work, 1960
Display of cast bottles in the kiln room window.
Beechfield House
Celia Dennis; Judy Brandram; Sue MacKenzie;
(and in porch) Bruce Hudson?
click on the photos for a larger version click on the photos for a larger version
The Academy Bus
Ernie the driver, outside Pitt Rivers Museum.
~ another photo below ~
1960 A.D.
Friends, Romans,...
This is the larger version!
3rd Year visit, 1959-60
Pitt Rivers Museum, Blandford Forum.
Front row L to R:- Colin MacBean (sitting) : Gareth Davies : Julia Vezza : Chris Smith
Sue MacKenzie
: Dick Venning : Mary Mico : David Andrews.
Back row:- ? : ? : Melvin Turner : James Tower : ?.
Pat Shuttleworth '59-61 has sent in this photo of the Academy bus
in Oxford during a visit to the Pitt Rivers museum in 1960.
L to R:- Mary Shipman, Pat Shuttleworth & Pamela Gunstone.

Top of the page
by Roger Shapley 59-63
Ann le Rendu 59-62