Ian Beamish did ceramics from 1972-'76, taking a year out in '74-75. He has sent us 22 photos of his friends, work, photo shoot, degree show, hostel room in Ethelred, and more... "All these photos are from my BAA negatives folder – ceramics was my main study but photography was one of my supporting studies". |
click on the small photos superimposed in the picture to view the full version
1. Was my room on the top floor of Ethelred House. I shared this first with a guy called Gary Thomas (I think) and then a guy called Pete ?*?*.
2. This is Carla, don’t know her surname, she started at Corsham in 1972. Taken at Monks Park when we were putting on our 2nd year exhibition.
3. Was my room on the top floor of Ethelred House and this is Graham Cook a ceramics student who started with me in 1972.
4. This is Graham Cook at Monks Park.
5.This is me at Monks Park when we were putting on our 2nd year exhibition.
6. Tom Beeson who was in the year above me (must have started in 1971), is at the wheel of his girlfriend Angela Fabian's Mini GT, which we all envied.
7. Corsham Church Car Park – the white topped car you can see was my very first, a Riley Elf coloured green and cream. It used to cost me a fortune in repairs at the garage in Corsham High Street.
8. This is another picture of my room on the top floor of Ethelred House. 9. Me in the room in Ethelred House as photo 8.
photos 1-9 taken in 1974 |
10. Some of my work – I was photographing it outside B26.
11. As photo 10
12. As photo 10
13. Liz Aylieff.
14. Ian Beamish – not quite sure why we took photos of ourselves as if we had criminal records.
15. Eddie Curtis at the wheel in B26.
16. Joan Lengthorn in B26.
17. My best pal in final year, Caroline Pickles.
18. 19. 20. Are in Beechfield House – the room on the left as you faced the front door. The kids belonged to Brian Spinks a lecturer for 3D Design. The structures were my giant construction toy design for kids. This photo shoot was so I could use the prints for my degree exhibition.
21. These colour pictures are of my degree exhibition at the end of 3rd year at Monks Park.
22. (As photo 21.) This particular piece was affectionately known by Jack Sparrow? the ceramics technician as the ‘big bugger’. It was fired in the trolley kiln in the stable block.
photos 10-22 taken in 1976 |
When I left Corsham I left the 'big bugger' and a number of other pieces behind. I seem to remember John Colbeck asked us to leave some other pieces too for the BAA collection. |
Whatever happened to them all when BAA closed?
If you know different, let us know! |
So what am I doing now? I am in fact headteacher of Kinghorn Primary School in Fife, Scotland which, when you look at the photos of me in the 70s, you may find difficult to believe. In those days I wore the clothes charity shops refused and a beard because I couldn’t be bothered to shave in the mornings. My staff at school would find all this difficult to comprehend now I guess. I am also married with two children, David (14) and Sarah (10) and you can imagine what they think of the photos! |