"When we first moved to Monks Parks in 1966, the students were living in the 'nissen' huts, but I don't remember this. I was 6 months old when we arrived and the students moved out when I was about 3, I think. Anyway Mum was the resident nurse and ran the sick bay. Old Percy was the gardener (he only died just recently apparently).
The Pope family lived on the first floor of Monks House but moved out in 1971 when Peter Cray and family moved in. His wife Pauline was the domestic bursar and their two children were Emma and Toby. Most of my memories revolve around playing with Emma and Toby and the great life we had there during the summer with all those grounds to ourselves! We loved the students too though, but they were there when we were at school unfortunately. Dad used to take them back down to Corsham just as we came home from school. I don't really have many memories of the students unfortunately ... except one called Belinda .... but even her family name I never knew.
When Monks was closed Dad and Mum moved to the Gatehouse at Corsham Court because Mr Mannings, the then caretaker there, retired. They lived there for 20 years before moving into an Estate owned house in Corsham, on dad's retirement last year.
I now live in Strasbourg, France and my brother lives in Oxfordshire. We didn't follow in Dad's footsteps to become caretakers. My brother did a Doctorate at Oxford, would you believe, and I did a business and French degree before coming to France 12 years ago! Must have been the influence of living with students!"
This text is from an edited version of an email from Peter.
Belinda - if you're still out there, can you let us know? .