Guestbook 2008 |
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Archived 2001 Guestbook June - December |
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CommentsHi everyone ,since contacting the Corsham site I am now in touch with a number of good old friends, Tony benge, Joe Connelly, Ted Coney, and a number of other people, John Nesbitt, Jan Nesbitt, Mark Prescott, Marian Jenny etc.... I would like to continue to reach any other people from our time at Corsham and look forward to hearing from any others, or passing on my contacts . Very best Wishes, Mike O'Donnell ( Cornwall)
CommentsHi everyone ,since contacting the Corsham site I am now in touch with a number of good old friends, Tony benge, Joe Connelly, Ted Coney, and a number of other people, John Nesbitt, Jan Nesbitt, Mark Prescott, Marian Jenny etc.... I would like to continue to reach any other people from our time at Corsham and look forward to hearing from any others, or passing on my contacts . Very best Wishes, Mike O'Donnell ( Cornwall)
CommentsI'm living in Italy now so what a pleasant surprise being able to show my kids where i was at college as its nearly time for one of them to choose what to study at university.I have great memories of those three years and love to hear from any of you in my course
Comments...on looking back at my previous ramblings ... I feel that (on behalf of myself and other unrefined, (hormone laden teen ) males of the era, I ought to offer some thanks ( and probably apologies) to the ladies of Weavers (and the other female hostels) who put up with (suffered) us in the early '70s. Some names I remember from that place & time are .... Juliet Gorman, Frances Northwood, Debbie Beaver, Francesca Heasman, Jane Parnaby, Mary Garcia de la Pena & Anne of Cleavage (!!?) .... anyone I missed .. sorry .. but thanks..... and not to forget all the neighbors who had to put up with our crap !!!
Comments....... not to forget one of good ole' Blighty's most under recognized and under appreciated musical resources .... Richard Thompson (late of 'Fairport ...') you're forgiven for not showing up on a rainy night on the I.O.W. in 1968 !!
CommentsSorry for yet another submission, but, once started, the memor-eaha seems to go on and on !! Hi again, just trying to get some reactions and comments to the current world situation as it may have been influenced by our years at Corsham and what we are doing about it NOW ! re Barry Baldwin's post of 7.24.07 - let''s see your phys-og after 30+ years of 'life' !!! - Do'es anyone remember Pete Bateman riding his bicycle around the Beechfield campus wearing his bowler hat .... and nothing else !!? - just remembered that as I was typing this. That's all for now. - But here's a few more names from the early 1970s - mostly from 1971 -1974 (I think) - Lynne Bibby - Kevin Hickey - Mary Gracia - Alison Green - Charles Griffen - Dermot Kelly (?) - Randal Drury - Pete (Irish)? - Robin Stewart ----- Bye for now......
CommentsAah ! at last a name I remmeber from those days in Corsham - Jim Parker - just before my time, but he would show up in Corsham occasionally in the early '70s to touch base with his buddies - (Lewis, Harcourt, Marsdon, Deacons, etc. ?) - and, being in the same circle, we'd have a few beers, kick a few balls (soccer of course), and raise a li'l hell !!! With Reference to my last posting - I forgot to mention Frank (ZAPPA) who supercedes Lennon and Young in my all-time favs - and who (tho' he's been deceased, dead, gone to meet his maker for at least ten years), still has the most relevant, thought provoking messages to those of voting age, wherever you live !!! the Us, Uk, or wherever Ulive !!! Love to All, (still trying to provoke some discourse here ), Des
CommentsThis addition was spurred by something I came across today .... but more about that later. In my previous missive, when I said 'on the roof of Weavers or the roof of #? High Street ", I meant students, not @#*!&?* peacocks !! Just thought I'd clarify that !. Anyway, there seems to be a mark-ed dearth of late '60s, early '70s participants in the conversation here. Come on Bazza (Baldwin), Carefoot, etc. and anyone else who sneaks a peak, but doesn't contribute to the dialogue !! Change of subject - cruising the local thrift (charity) stores here in southern Arizona where I look for interesting vinyl, today, I came across a like-new double album from Island Records 1987 and 2 Tyranosaurus Rex albums, which have a lot of tracks we used to sweat and fight to in the Union building on the corner of the Beechfield soccer field. It's called "The Island Story 1962-1987" - worth looking out for. Some I remember from the first Isle of Wight festival in 1968 before I arrived in Corsham, where, in 1970, Ewan Wannop (Graphics tech. ?), Del Renzio, and many others were raving about the "Woodstock' album when I arrived as a 'newbie' !! Not to forget Bruce ? who had discovered Neil Young, and carried 'After the Gold Rush' under his arm for quite a while - a man of vision - true talent & quality endure ! After Lennon, Young is still one of the best in my book !! --- Strange how this verbal (diarheaaaaaa) always occurs after a few bottles of (imported Brit.) beer. --- Des - still somewhere in Arizona - writing this as McCain gives his acceptance speech (Sept. 4, 2008) - for a Guy from desert Arizona and a Gal from arctic Alaska, they sure produce a lot of Corn (sorry, ethanol - (or should that be methane !!) !!!! - Love to all, Des
CommentsAnyone remember the annual pub-crawls to Swanage & Lulworth by bus in the early 1970's ? (Lewis, Harcourt, Weeks, Robertson, Clare, Spanoyl, Yeadon, Timmins, Bibby, Carefoot & myself being participants .... among others !!!....) and, having lived on Bence's Lane, just over the wall from 'The Court', I remember being woke-up by those #@*! peacocks in the morning after a night in the 'Pack' or 'The Crown' (Biddestone), and on the roof of 'Weaver's' or '40? High Street' (via Geoff Yeadon's attic bedroom window) where we practiced some innovative and spontaneous interior/exterior design to the sounds of Mick and 'Let It Bleed'. Geoff Carefoot (aka 'Johnny Reb') should remember that !! -- Bye for Now, Des Crabbe - still somewhere in Arizona - but the Mexican border seems to be getting closer everyday !!! Come on all you Brit-Americans, vote for Baracarama - ?!! is that a new digital-movie-film media !??!
CommentsTrying to contact Paddy Adamson, Rosie Parvin
CommentsHaving been at Corsham for only a couple of terms (transferred to Canterbury - eugh! should have stayed at Corsham), I don't really qualify as a fully-fledged contributor. Nevertheless, just a quick note to say hello to those many people whose names I still recognise (Erica Grice, Greg Hull, Liz Talbot(?), Angus Davis and his fab Austin 7, William (forgotten surname), and others). Tracked down 'Tweedy' Lumgair this morning and sent him an email. Also, just noticed a very recent message from wugger-bugger Simon Lewis who I seem to remember sharing a room with 'Aggie' Ansell across the rickety corridor from the room I shared with Mike Goater(?) in one of the weavers' cottages in the High Street. Apologies for only hazy recollection of specific names. Blame it on a combination of scrunpy and forty intervening years. Anyway, did a quick posting a few years back with an out-of-date email address - now updated.
CommentsThere are faces I remember All my life though some have changed Some forever not for better Some have gone and some remain All these places have their moments With lovers and friends I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life I've loved them all
CommentsFound this site by accident yesterday and its been a time warping experience browsing through it .Hello mike marsden jim parker dave watson etal.I am still in touch with a bunch of mid sixties corsham folk and will dig out the pics when I have a few moments to add to the photopages .enjoyed the football team pis posted by Mike Marsden who I remember as a virtually static midfielder and Leeds supporter who thought he was Bobby Moore.Found a nice pic of Janner Drake on the site which reminded me that I last saw her jumping on a bouncy castle outside the Serpentine gallery about fifteen years ago and still looking great............Anyone got a connect with Dave Kelly ? Have tried to find him without success and would love to contact .Happy days remembered. cheers simon lewis
CommentsCalling Paul Malcolm - where the devil are you? You still owe me a coffee you promised me on your next visit to London...around five years ago :) I'd love to hear from you. You were always such an inspiration to all your friends and had all the time in the world for us. It would be great to catch up! regards Ingrid P.S. to the web master - a lovely idea to build a site to link us ex-Corsham lot. Thank you.
CommentsHi Gerry, Been meaning to send you info for years so now I am !! Did ceramics at Corsham from 66-70 so I can't do better than trying to remember the names of the people in my final year group; So here goes: Richard Dewar (sometimes known as Dick or Rick)-me Billy Bolton Dave Harrison Alistair Young Dave Boulton('little dave') Toni Hinshelwood(Sherman) Joanna Grainger Janet Nesaule(by the way she's the girl on Steve Fairbairn's photo of the Court) Sarah Weighell Julia Holmes Helen Carter Heather Bradshaw Doris ? Bev Rooker Wuanita ? (Adams) Loads and loads of happy memories but will send these later. And I've got some photos which I'll send when I find them.Been living and making pots in France since 1979. Just finished building a new timber-framed house in Brittany.Hi to everyone who remembers me, say hi back when you have time. I can let you have loads of names from that time if you want, probably up to a hundred. Yea I seem to have a good head for names. Do you want some links for the site? All the best, Richard
CommentsRe - P.M. Ceramics - I've still got a Stanley knife I bought in the basement of the Court from the old grey haired guy in the early '70s (can't remember his name - Norm ?) - Blade's a bit rusty, but it still works !! Change of subject - did you know that Phil the Greek was stationed in Corsham before he married good Queen Bess, mark II (plain old Princess Elizabeth at the time)? - Bye for Now, Des - somewhere in Arizona - I'll let you know when I figure out where.....
CommentsHi there - any of the 64-65 students around? I was at 4 Church St and shared a room with "Billie" Old (Fine Art) from Liverpool. Others there were Vivian Pitches from Southport, Carole, Erica Grice from Worcester. also "Aggie"(Paul), Simon (always wore potters boots), Tony + car, Sue, Dave Longmire, Eric.. Anyone remember the mad vintage car run from Corsham to Bournemouth?
CommentsI have decided to become a woman everyone!!! My marriage to Tracy is in tatters, I just couldn't satisfy her in bed... I'm thinking about transsexual surgery, can anyone help? If any of my old friends like "Bim" from Preston are thinking of contacting me, then don't bother because the email address I left on this site doesn't work anymore. I have also taken great care to avoid social networking sites like facebook, so no-one from my murky past can look me up! Long live Picasso! I love you all!!!!...
CommentsHave just returned to live in UK. Was 50 years in Oz! Found the website,arrived Feb 2007 but did not know about reunion. Would like to hear from fellow students. Have had exciting life, always involved in the arts,education,BEd (Anthropology) MEd (Gifted Education) Phd(Children's spatial skills) did not complete. Moved into business tourism/motel/historical development of WA. Married twice, divorced twice. Became a self made millionaire!
CommentsWell.... I came across this site recently. Its been a long time. I remember mostly long summer days sitting on the roof of Sparrows Barton. Drinkking somewhat too much at the Pack Horse and of course a bit of creativity. So, what has happened to...Reza, Nick Armstrong, Angst Mikey, Simon House... I still paint and photograph stuff travelling all over the world. Now involved in team development for the money and spooky stuff for the mind -, er the name derives from my name "Nathaniel2 its not a stripper company. Too old for all that. Would like to hear from anyone if they would like to....see you some time.
CommentsHaving recently found this am still somewhat reeling. Seeing myself at 18 in desert boots & then reviving the faces of those who were so vital in my life is a bit disturbing really. What a poserI must have been. I can do nothing but add my thanks to all involved and those wonderful perceptive people who provided such freedom and opportunity. As to the others..!
CommentsNow living in Machynlleth in Mid Wales and owning a successful independant Art gallery called Spectrum Gallery with my partner Paul Martinez Frias. Check out Spectrum Gallery website as I am still painting and selling my work. Weird to see my photograph on this wonderful website after so many years! Just spending a few days staying in a cottage near Corsham with my daughter and reminiscing about my old haunts.
CommentsNow living in Machynlleth in Mid Wales and owning a successful independant Art gallery called Spectrum Gallery with my partner Paul Martinez Frias. Check out Spectrum Gallery website as I am still painting and selling my work. Wierd to see my photograph on this wonderful website after so many years! Just spending a few days staying in a cottage near Corsham with my daughter and reminiscing about my old haunts.
CommentsI am looking for any students in education or music from the years, 1963 to 1969. I live in the city of APPLETON, WISCONSIN,in the U.S.A. I left England in 1967, so I have slowly lost contact with all of the folks that I once knew. It would be great to hear from some of my old pals. I taught here for several years, though not art or music, but general elementry grades. I now have my own art business and sell at local galleries and shows. I am also doing quite a lot of commision work. I have been maried for 42 years to the Airforce Service man, that I met whilst I was a student at Corsham. We have two sons and one daughter, and a 13 year old grandson who lives with us.
CommentsJust to let you know I have started a Facebook group called Bath Academy of Art Alumi before 1985. Never know might see a few more faces that way. I have also put a link to this website on it. Thanks for all the hard work, Gerry
CommentsNostalgia isn't what it used to be. However, here are a few jottings from one of the Corsham oldies. I was a northener, like Pam Pebworth and Ros Gilbert, and travelled down with them by train from Manchester to Bath in 1951, complete with a full set of rough edges. Looking back to those happy, hectic days, I remember that some of us were perhaps more intoxicated by the social freedoms than the academic rigours. I realise now that to be in the same group as Kate Nicholson, with her pedigree of artistic talent, and be instructed by painters of such status as William Scott , Terry Frost and Peter Potworowski, was a privilege not open to many aspiring young artists. Bruce Kent was in our group, as were Fred Haley and Derek Ellwood. There was a thriving music department at Corsham, headed by Henry Boys, and so I made music with friends that including Barbara Horton, Rosemary Farrington and John Burleigh. After completing the teaching certificate course, I was fortunate to be one of the students selected to continue into a third year of study, which gave opportunity for further advancement in specialist skills. Did I make the most of the opportunities afforded by three years spent at the Academy? Probably not. Did I benefit from the experience gained and do I now treasure the memory of good friends and talented tutors who, more than fifty years ago, helped me towards a rewarding career? Most certainly. After some years teaching art and music in schools in Surrey and Sussex and a further period of study at Sussex University, the last eighteen years of my career were spent as head teacher of a school in Cambridgeshire, which is where I now live, having retired in 1990. I still paint and exhibit work in this country and in France. I still compose music and have had the pleasure of hearing some of it performed at Snape Maltings. My wife and I are proud to have children and grand-children who have achieved much recognition in the traditional music scene, both here and abroad.
CommentsLaurence Whitfield ex Staff member. Alive and well and living in Germany.
CommentsHello to anyone who may remember me. It would be so good to catch up with old friends and please contact me if you would like to get in touch again. There are lots of names which spring to mind and there are many good times to remember. I am still in touch with many Corsham people and some yet to relocate. I am still working hard on my drawing and paintings, no concept of hanging up my pencils / brushes yet !! Very best wishes, hope to hear from you. Mike O'Donnell ( 19
CommentsAnne Roberts 1970 - 1973 --------- Is this the artist formerly known as 'INCH' !!!????
CommentsDoes anyone remember a woman on the NDD course called Maureen something, but called "Birdy"? early sixties.
CommentsWhat a time that was really; from where we are looking now, phew. Clifford unfortunately did not got the critic he wanted. Bless this man.
CommentsThanks for the link to the BP award, Mike. Michael Simpson was a mystery to me and many other students I think. Never did quite figure him out. Can't really remember what he looks like, apart from the very dark hair and ratty jacket but I can definitely feel the sense of not quite getting the whole person.
CommentsApologies for missing out my name on previous entry.
CommentsSome of you may be interested to know . . . learnt recently that Michael Simpson is the subject of this year's winner of the first prize in the BP Portrait Award. Just access the National Portrait Gallery web site to take a look: He taught me drawing one day a week in the Barn during my Pre-Dip year . . . let's just say his teaching technique was interesting, and he certainly got his money's worth out of that brown pin-stripe suit. Let it be.
CommentsSAD NEWS. I was in touch with my dear friend Val Prinsep the other day - Margrét and I were sort of half planning a visit to Paris in December because Val and I have both got birthdays around then. It turns out that Val has just lost his son Charlie in a cycling accident in Canada. It happened at the beginning of August when Val and his wife were in Australia. Terrible shock for both of them. Charlie Prinsep was only 23 and quite a character so I'm told, though I never met him. There's a lot about him on Google. And Val has just moved to Dubai (of all places). Just like him. Gerry has got his e-mail if anyone wishes to send condolences.
CommentsWe've just spent a few happy days wandering around Wiltshire ending up staying with friends in Bath which, I understand, is now in North Somerset. Yesterday we went on an outing to Lacock. Our host suggested that since we would be driving very close to Corsham we might like to stop off at Beechfield House. I hadn't been there since the early 80s so said 'yeah, why not'. What a strange place it is now. The listed refectory has been demolished (why?) and replaced with a Neo-Georgian building. Yuk. I noticed that something was missing. What was it? The trees were still there and looking lovely. I know! There are no people around. It was so sad. Moving on. We carried on driving through Corsham and when asked 'Do you want to see the Court' I answered 'Yes'. As we drove along Church Street I saw for the first time in 30 years where I had lived for 2 years at nos 4 and 5. I must admit to some mixed feelings when I saw them, but they looked very nice. We parked in front of Corsham Court and actually got out of the car this time. The view of the Court was unchanged and then looking around the outside of the church and then gazing back at Church Street brought back the feeling of excitement I had had all those years ago. The possibilities of creating interesting art presented by being at BAA,which I felt back in '76, is still with me. At the time all I was aware of was the anxiety of leaving home for the first time making friends and finding my way around. Now I realise underneath all that was a sense of anticipation. All these years later I can finally appreciate it. Well, better late than never I suppose. Heather
CommentsRE - BARBARA CARR 1663 - 66 An independent, female artist from this era can probably be found on a stake by the lake, or an anonymous nunnery !! : )
CommentsWonderful site
CommentsWanting to contact barabra Carr - 1663 -66
CommentsIt was purely by chance this morning that I found the BAA Corsham website after doing a search for Peter Kinley paintings. I just spent a wonderful 2 hours revisiting faces and names and it was amazing to be whisked back in time so unexpectedly. I studied Ceramics at BAA from 77-80 and like many others it was a unique experience and one that I have never forgotten. I now live in US (its been 20 years and before that in Egypt) but have returned to UK in past years and stopped by Corsham while visiting friends in Bath. Of course I had to see the peacocks at Corsham Court and Spiders Barn.... I was dissapointed when I couldnt enter Beechfield ... it was closed off as a private property. I hope they kept the monkey puzzle tree! I especially enjoyed seeing the faces of Jim Manson, Alex Faulkner (who by the way attended 76-79 the same year as Jim Manson) Nicky Lintern, Helga Staddon, Hamish Muir, Rosie Jones and importantly THE John Colbeck who I still admire considerably. As I further browsed I noticed on Cilla (May) Watt's page a pic of 3 people in a boat on Corsham lake and its unclear who they all are by the caption. The mystery is now solved ---the person steering the boat is actually me and not the sculptor Judy "Haggis" Haig, the keen advisor next to me is Alex Faulkner and dutifully guarding the oars is Jim Manson. Sadly my old pics of BAA were lost due to many years of arduous globe trotting so unfortunately I can't contribute in that area. However if anyone has pics of me during that time I'd love to be forwarded. Also please inform me re; any upcoming news of future reunions (sorry I missed this years as ironically I was in UK in June/July 07) and share my contact info with others as I'd love to hear from anyone interested. Thank you so much Gerry for producing this invaluable webpage. Best wishes, Fiona Thompson
CommentsDoes anyone have any memories or photos of ADRIAN HEATH? for an up - coming exhibition. If you do, please could you ring his daughter Clio on 0207 226 4568 or email me please thank you
CommentsHi, ditto to Bazza's comment. I recommend more 'Newkie Brown' Couldn't be there, but my thoughts were with you, Des - somewhere in Arizona
CommentsHell's Teeth!!!!! Do we all look so outrageously old and washed out,and virtually unrecognizable???!!! Barry Baldwin, -The Bay Area of San Francisco.
CommentsOops that should have been Puddles of Dreams,
CommentsHi Jerry,Sorry I wasn't able to get to the reunion but it looks like you had a good crowd. Maybe in the UK in November as its my parents 50th wedding anniversary. Looking at the photographs, everyone looks so respectable these days. PS my website is a bit out date at the moment so the best link for me is my creative blog called Puddings of Dreams
CommentsDear Gerry Just wanted to say a huge 'Thank You' for all your work behind the scenes of the reunion last week end. (14th- 15th July 2007). From what I hear your trip to Calais was very self-sacrificial and I think we all owe you. Thanks also to Graham for curating the show so beautifully. I was really chuffed to be asked to join in. Thanks a lot. Jane
CommentsHi to all my old mates out there and I am sorry that I won'tbe able to get to the reunion that is on this weekend. I would have liked to have caught up with old lags and found out whats been happening in the their world, however I live in Oz and can't make it to the northern hemesphere for this do. If anyone reads this and knows the whereabouts of Sally Smith I would love to contact her. Hope you have a great weekend, I'll be thinking of you. Paul Coope. e-mail address
CommentsOur year group's last re-union was in 1997. What a privilege it was to study at Corsham. Just about everything was joyous-apart from the'flu epidemic victims laid low that first term. Such very fond memories, and of course, meeting David William Mark Cornelius there. Our 50th wedding anniversary will be in Feb '09.
CommentsI was devastated to have been chucked out of Corsham, and blamed it on not having slept with certain tutors. Yet my one year there really is one of the building blocks of who I am today. I thought Howard Hodgkin's "art" was rubbish, but he certainly taught me a great deal about painting. I adored Stephen Russ, to whom we told our problems. I would love to hear from people of my Group C. I live in Canada now.
CommentsHello Gerry I have lost your address, email address & phone number & have no other way than this to contact you. I have my precious photo album for the yerars 1961 -64 to send you, but no address to send it to. Fiona (
CommentsHi, Thank you for this site, it's very nostalgic. I'll try to find some photos to email you. Alice x
CommentsIt would be lovely to hear from old friends.
CommentsI haven't been back for a while, and it is good to see that the book is still lively as ever. It doesn't seem possible that I started to pull my teaching pension this year, as I am still as stupid as I ever was . Saw Geoff Turpin recently and its good to see he is stillworking.I also heard from the beautiful Merlin nee Chesterman, who is also still working and teaching at West Dene in Sussex, but lives in north Devon. Me? I write about hotels, having spent 25 years designing them (read at Involved in lots of exciting things like growing broad beans. Gave up dope when I left Corsham, but still can't find the way. Good old Third Eye. Thanks for the site Gerry.
CommentsI haven't been back for a while, and it is good to see that the book is still lively as ever. It doesn't seem possible that I started to pull my teaching salary this year, as I am still as stupid as I ever was . Saw Geoff Turpin recently and its good to see he is stillworking.I also heard from the beautiful Merlin nee Chesterman, who is also still working and teaching at West Dene in Sussex, but lives in north Devon. Me? I write about hotels, having spent 25 years designing them (read at Involved in lots of exciting things like growing broad beans. Gave up dope when I left Corsham, but still can't find the way. Good old Third Eye. Thanks for the site Gerry.
CommentsSuch great memories ... so where are you all now - Jan Kerr's buddies in Church St - Jenny (George), Doreen, the lovely Tessa? Those I lived with over the doctor's in the High St - Liam Carolan, John Pennicott, Gary, Tom? Mark Clark, Chris Portas, Graham, Phil from Graphics? Mike the film-maker, Tara McKee ......? - all those of you who made my time at Corsham so magical. You must be out there somewhere - be lovely to hear from you.
CommentsI recognise a lot of names listed here and some students in the photographs from 58-64.It's triggered a lot of memories.I remember a lot of talented students in my time at Corsham - did they keep going?It would be interesting to hear from anyone who remembers me and Sue Burgess.Where are all those who came to our wedding in Corsham?I've been producing some decent large drawings over the last few years and am about to start painting again.
CommentsI learnt from Howard Hodgkin, Stephen Russ and Andrew Wilson, [among others] and I would like to know what happened to them [Save Howard whom I have seen since and of course know about because of his achievements.] There are also a few students with whom I've lost touch and would be interested in contacting. Is this possible?
CommentsWell well well its amazing what you can find on the internet when you don't want to do any work.For those of you who don't know me I spent most of my time being irritating noisy or drunk. or all three. Still quite good at all of these really. At present I'm a science officer at the eden project and don't paint much now but do the odd drawing.
CommentsI spent barely a year at Corsham, creating very little.Perhaps it was the bucolic grounds or the lovely ladies or heroic biker lads to say nothing of the scrumpy that lulled me into a stupor.The vortex of memories induced by this website has held me in a similar state of mind .My dog Dyl, one of magic`s pups,John Furnival and Dorothy`s digs in Melksham and that tyre factory.Pete Bateman and his wacky stuff.Youth may indeed be wasted on the young,but what better place to do it.I am painting and printmaking full time now making up for some of those glorious lost hours and friends wherever you may be.
CommentsIt's the 'home straight' folks, in that this Guestbook for your comments will last as long as ... I do! If you still have additions for the site or you've just discovered it (not been in cyberspace for long then?), you can interactively make your comments for here and in the contact or names lists for posterity. If you want to add a page as others have done, then please email me for details of uploading photos & text. I must thank all of the active participants who have contributed to the BAA@C site over the last 5 years. You've greatly added to the overall picture and given visitors an insight into what was more than just an institution of buildings for creativity but also of people who made it rich in personalities. Well that's the soppy bit over, back to reality. Good luck in the coming years. Gerry |
Author: Gerry McFarlane, email BAA@C Copyright © 2001. All rights reserved. Revised: 1 Jan 2007 0:00:00 +0100. |